Home Coffee Machines Best Manual Coffee Grinders

Best Manual Coffee Grinders

Best Manual Coffee Grinders

The manual coffee grinder is one of the best solutions for enjoying fresh coffee in the morning, afternoon, or night, whatever you prefer. We all know that in order to savor the taste of coffee to its fullest, we need to grind the coffee beans, especially the ones that are fresh, and refine them as much as possible.

 In order to grind the coffee beans what we need is a coffee grinder, which comes into basic types: electric and manual. In this article, we will explore the best manual coffee grinder, and for that, we will have to look into the specifics, i.e., the designs, types, and quality the best manual coffee grinder could have.

First, let’s take a look at our 10 best manual coffee grinders list, and also we shall look into the history of coffee grinders for a better perspective.

Top 10 Best Manual Coffee Grinders

  • EASY CLEANUP — DISHWASHER SAFE GRINDING BOWL: The grinding bowl on this coffee bean grinder is designed with durable stainless steel. It's removable for easy filling and pouring and is dishwasher safe..Frequency : 60 Hz
  • GRIND ENOUGH TO BREW UP TO 12 CUPS OF COFFEE: If you love the delicious taste of coffee made from freshly ground beans, this electric coffee grinder is perfect for the job whether you're grinding coffee for a quick cup or a full pot
  • SIMPLE & INTUITIVE: The coffee grinder is so easy to use that you'll want to drink flavorful coffee made from freshly ground coffee beans everyday. Just place the lid on the grinder and press the button to grind coffee. Release to stop grinding.
  • DURABLE STAINLESS STEEL BLADES: With the durable stainless steel blades, this grinder makes easy work of grinding everything from coffee beans to herbs and spices.
  • REDUCE CLUTTER WITH HIDDEN CORD STORAGE: Hideaway cord storage at the bottom of the grinder stores the cord neatly and out of sight when it's not in use. Quieter than the leading competitor
  • ENJOY OPTIMUM FLAVOR: Burr grinding provides a uniform grind to your fresh coffee beans with its 18-position grind selector – move the slide-dial from ultra-fine to extra-coarse to ensure your coffee grounds are exactly the way you prefer.BPA Free..UC Cubic Feet: 0.465, MC Cubic Feet: 0.558
  • REMOVABLE FEATURES: Our 8 oz. bean hopper is fully removable as well as our built-in grind chamber for ease-of-use and accessibility during the cleaning process, Heavy-duty motor
  • GRIND CHAMBER: Our removable grind chamber holds enough ground coffee for 32-cups, you won’t have to worry about grinding beans multiple times to brew coffee for the entire household
  • ONE-TOUCH GRIND: The one-touch power bar is separate from the unit and complemented by an electric timer that automatically shuts off the unit when your grind cycle is complete
  • CONVENIENT DESIGN: Our heavy-duty unit motor doesn’t take away space for additional design features; enjoy the convenience of cord storage and an additional scoop/cleaning brush to declutter, clean and maximize counter space


History of Manual Coffee Grinders

The coffee mill (another name for coffee grinder) was first made in the 15th century. However, back then the grinder’s use for grinding coffee was secondary since it was originally made for grinding spice. It took until the late 18th century we witnessed mills that were developed and introduced exclusively and exquisitely for grinding coffee. It even had a draw by then.

Thomas Bruff Sr. received the first patent in America for a coffee grinder; and he first came up with the wall-mounted coffee mill, in hopes to make the best manual coffee grinder. It became a breakthrough which was to be benefited from and built upon for centuries to come (even now).

With time the designs of coffee grinders kept undergoing further improvements under several patents, that worked tirelessly to make the best manual coffee grinder. Several new features were introduced, like canisters, double wheels, and side mounting, etc.

Even today, most coffee grinder manufacturers, in order to make the best manual coffee grinder, and bound to base their products on the basis of vintage styles and concepts that date back all the way to the 18th century.

They redefined the method of making manual coffee grinders, and thus, we will now see how the best manual coffee grinder is actually made.


How to make the best manual coffee grinder?

Best Manual Coffee Grinder

When attempting to understand the making of the best manual coffee grinder, we need to keep several things into consideration. Some of them include:

  1. Understanding the materials used in the coffee grinders and their quality
  2. Testing the smoothness and efficiency of the grinder (burr)
  3. Knowing the types of adjustments available for the quality and size of grounded coffee
  4. Checking for the price and warranty of the manual coffee grinder

It shall be understood that without pondering upon all 4 of these points, we cannot properly comprehend how to make a manual coffee grinder, and in turn without understanding how to make a proper coffee grinder, we cannot understand how to determine which is the best manual coffee grinder available in the market.


Materials used in the coffee grinders 

A manual coffee grinder is made up of smaller individual components, when combined together they form a perfect manual machine that is able to grind coffee to its finest degree. Here is what a coffee grinder is made up of (types would be mentioned but discussed ahead).



The uppermost part of a manual coffee grinder is a lever. As level is somethings the displays a manual nature of a thing, it could be said that it is what truly and visibly distinguishes a manual coffee bean grinder than an electric one.

They come in long and short sizes, each having their distinctive properties and uses. You rotate the lever and it, in turn, rotates the burrs present in the coffee grinder that grind coffee.

According to the model of the coffee grinder, they may be made up of metal, plastic, or wood. Most of the time they will be available with a rubber grip to help facilitate the grinding process. However, the grip may be made of some other non-rubber material.


Metal Rod

The metal rod is another necessary component of the manual coffee grinder since it connects the lever to the grinders or burrs way down in the grinder. Without it no proper connection can be established and the lever may be rendered useless. It starts from the lever, passes through the exact middle of the Bean Hopper, and connects with the burrs.


Bean Hopper

Bean Hopper is another important component of the manual (also present in electric) coffee maker that is placed right below the lever. When you place coffee beans in the grinder, it is within the Bean Hopper they reside temporarily until they are crushed by the rotating burrs and go into the container.

Without the Bean Hopper, it would be practically impossible to contain the coffee beans which would jump (or hop) around into different directions, making a lot of mess. Furthermore, the ground coffee beans would not be in their perfect condition with the Bean Hopper.



Burrs are perhaps the most fundamental part of the coffee grinders because they serve the primary purpose: grinding the coffee beans into a fine powder or smaller chunks. They come in two qualities: steel or ceramic, each with their distinct value. Moreover, there are two burrs present in a typical coffee grinder, namely, the inner and outer burr. We will briefly discuss them.


Inner Burr:

It is the burr that extends from the center of the manual coffee grinder towards sideways. It may consist of several blades and resembles a ninja shuriken. Its hinges are connected to the metal rod which is in turn connected to the lever. In other words, the inner burr and the lever are indirectly connected. When you move the lever outside, it in turn rotates the inner burr in the grinding process.


Outer Burr:

The outer burr is also circular like the inner burr, but it resembles more to a ring. Like the inner burr, it too may move and is made of either ceramic or metal. However, it will have the same material the inner burr has. In other words, it cannot be possible for inner burr to be made up of ceramic and outer to be made up of metal, and vice versa.


Grinds Container

It is the last of the fundamental components of a manual coffee grinder. Within the machine when coffee beans are ground, the refine (lower in surface area) and eventually fall off the Beans Hopper and burrs, and into the Grinds Container. Without this, the powdered coffee beans would fall off directly over the surface. I

n other words, without them, we will have to put the manual grinder directly above the container where we have to brew coffee, and it increases the chances of making a mess since manually grinding the coffee results in unexpected movements that would cause the coffee to fall off over the table or slab, making a mess and wasting precious ground coffee.

 It is usually the biggest part of the manual coffee maker since it has to contain several rounds of ground coffee and thus, requires the most volume. As for the material it is composed of, it may be made up of anything: metal (especially steel), wood, or plastic depending on the brand of the manual coffee maker.


Types of Burrs Used in Manual coffee grinders:

Best Manual Coffee Grinder

As discussed before, the burrs for grinding coffee are available in two fundamental types: ceramics or metal. They each have distinct characteristics such as:

Ceramic Burrs:

Coffee grinders with ceramic burrs are usually cheaper as compared to metal ones: and that is the way for a reason. Ceramic burrs are usually crude and inefficient: they are not able to refine the coffee beans to perfection.

Although perfection most probably cannot ever be attained with manual coffee grinders, ceramics lower the probability to an even greater degree. What’s more is the fact that they are not usually long-lasting, and require much more care. They require on average more time to grind a round of coffee: about 2 mins.


Metal Burrs:

Unlike the ceramic burrs, they are a little expensive but that too is for a reason. Metal burrs are durable sharp, long-lasting, and require less time and effort when grinding coffee beans. However, metal burrs come in different grades of quality.

Some may not grind coffee well, while others may grind to pure powdered perfection; some may last long, while others may become inefficient just after using them a few times; and some may require more rounds of grinding, while others may need just a little bit of effort. They grind a round of coffee quicker as compared to a ceramic (and rather easily): for about 45 seconds to 1 minute.


Grinding Methods of Manual Coffee Grinders:

The second primary step in the making of a manual coffee grinder is to determine what kind of grinder it is going to be. Some grinders come with only one grinding method, while others come with an adjustable system that can grind coffee beans to different types, where each has a specific purpose. Both may have their advantages and disadvantages; we will go into a little detail below.


One Grinding Method

Some manual coffee grinders have fixated burrs that can only ground one type of coffee. This is more popularly known as the “step-less” model. People usually find it a nuisance since on different occasions, according to one’s mood they would want to try a different kind of coffee.

But if they have a manual coffee grinder that grinds in one may, you will not have the opportunity to try different brews and styles of coffees. However, this also has an advantage: the burrs remaining in the same position means they are firmer and will do their job better. There is also a high probability of them being long-lasting.


Adjustable Manual Grinder

As the name suggests, you may be able to adjust your grinder to different settings, that may provide you with ground coffee of different types. Each of those types may lead to a special kind of coffee with a unique taste, like French Press or an Espresso. Now most manual coffee grinders come in adjustable settings because it is more feasible.

However, it may be a little more expensive as compared to the step-less coffee grinder, and some questions may be raised about its durability. However, note that even a good adjustable grinder could be better and last longer than a pathetic step-less model. It all depends on priorities and individual perspectives.

Now what?

Once all these things are put into consideration, and within the perspectives, the manufacturers assemble manual coffee grinders according to their target customers, customer demands, budget, and the far-sightedness regarding the expected profits.

However, when it comes to the levers of the manual coffee grinders, there is another thing that needs to be considered: whether to use a bearing or not?


Bearing vs, No Bearing

Bearings are used in modern manual coffee grinders and are responsible for increasing the efficiency and feasibility of the grinding process. With a bearing, it takes little effort to rotate the lever, and the rotation goes smoothly, making you feel like you do not have to put more power in grinding.

However, on the other hand, a manual coffee grinder with no bearings means that there will be more jerks and halts, and there is a chance that your arms may get tired trying to grind the coffee since you have to put more power into grinding the coffee. Here it leaves no reason for the manufacturers to make manual coffee grinders without bearings. 

However, manual coffee grinders without bearings do exist within the market, for no apparent reason. It could be that bearing leads to a higher budget or perhaps no bearings in the coffee grinder give more nostalgia and are seen in more vintage designs. Bearings could also be more delicate, and malfunction more often resulting in the inconvenience of the customers.


Warranty of the manual coffee grinders:

It should be noted that although most of the modern manual coffee grinders are cheaper than average electric coffee grinders, they usually come with no warranty (while the electric ones do). There is no really understandable reason for this but one can conclude it is because they are usually more long-lasting, with a very little vacancy and probability for damage. However, electrical coffee grinders have a more probability of damage given the nature of an electrical appliance.

Although there are some brands of manual coffee grinders like the “Zassenhaus Santiago Mahogany Coffee Mill Grinder” which is an expensive vintage design that comes with 25 years of warranty. It may also suggest that manual coffee grinders do not come with a warranty because they are cheaper, which by default leaves very little room for the need for a warranty.

When buying a manual coffee grinder, the customer should also consider the price range and check if a warranty is available. A manual coffee grinder may not necessarily be expensive because it is good. It could be expensive because of the popularity of the brand and for the number of years it has been used in the market. The customer should try to find a manual coffee grinder.


Types of Manual Coffee Grinders:

In the next step to identify the best manual coffee grinder, we need to understand and be able to distinguish different types of grinders, sizes, materials, and workings. We have discussed the manual coffee grinders with ceramic or metallic burrs already, so now we shall discuss the rest.


Portable vs Big Manual Coffee grinders

To decide if you want to buy a big coffee grinder or a small one, you should look into your needs. If you are someone that travels regularly and needs coffee at all times, it would be recommended to buy a smaller one, since it is portable, easy to carry along in your trips. If you want one that will stay at your office or home, buy a bigger manual coffee grinder because it will be able to grind more coffee per round.


Small Lever vs Large lever

Coffee grinders with small lever need more pressure to be applied to them, while the larger levers will not require that because of the difference in torque. However, the one with a smaller lever will grind the coffee quickly. Determine your preference according to which is more important to you: the effort put or the time saved.


Wooden vs Plastic vs Metal Body

It really does not matter which material is your manual coffee grinder made up of externally, but there may be a slight difference in the prices of the respective models and their expected life may also be determined (plastic usually lasts less as compared to wood and metal).

Best Manual Coffee Grinder

The Brewing Methods:

  1. Using a manual coffee grinder is quite easy. All you have to do is place a specific mass of coffee beans into the Bean Hopper of your manual coffee grinder. It may depend on both the capacity of the machine or the number of people requiring coffee. It is recommended to crush the coffee beans fresh. Already crushed beans usually diminish both the flavor and aroma of the coffee beans and the in turn the flavor and aroma of the brewed coffee.
  2. After you have placed your required amount of coffee beans inside, close the lid and start rotating the lever. It is recommended you do not rotate the lever fast at first because it may lead to uneven grinding of the beans and may also lead to the damaging of the lever.
  3. After a minute of a few, most of your grounded coffee would gather within the container.
  4. Use the coffee power and brew it in whatever method you prefer: Espresso, French Press, etc.


Reasons to Use a Manual Coffee Grinder:

The reason you may want to use a manual coffee grinder may go beyond its efficiency and necessity. The reasons you should use them are as such:

  1. A manual grinder may have an aesthetic appeal to it. Indeed, an electric grinder would be more time and energy-efficient, but with a manual grinder, you can have an exquisite vintage experience.
  2. A manual grinder is cheaper and lasts longer as compared to an electric one.
  3. You can refine and reduce the coffee beans to the size and shape however you like. The electric grinder has a more specific procedure that will grind according to its standard settings.
Grinders Brand Expert Rating Check Price
JavaPresse Manual Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder - 18 Adjustable Settings, Portable Conical Burr Grinder for Camping, Travel, Espresso - With Hand Crank CHECK PRICE
PARACITY Manual Coffee Bean Grinder with Ceramic Burr, Hand Coffee Grinder Mill Small with 2 Glass Jars(11OZ per Jar) Stainless Steel Handle for Drip Coffee, Espresso, French Press, Turkish Brew CHECK PRICE
PARACITY Manual Coffee Bean Grinder Stainless Steel Hand Mill Ceramic Burr for Aeropress, Drip Coffee, Espresso, French Press, Turkish Brew, for gift CHECK PRICE
West Coast Chef Manual Coffee Grinder - Manual Burr Grinder, Portable Coffee Grinder Manual - Espresso Hand Grinder Coffee - Manual Coffee Bean Grinder - Travel Coffee Grinder Hand Coffee Grinder Burr CHECK PRICE
AVNICUD Pour Over Coffee Maker, Automatic Coffee Maker with Reusable Stainless Steel Mesh and Water Tank, Portable Coffee Brewer for Home or Travel CHECK PRICE
OverTwice Manual Coffee Grinder with Ceramic Burrs Adjustable Hand Coffee Bean Mill with 2 Glass Jars for French Press, Drip Coffee, Espresso, Stainless Steel Handle, Brush CHECK PRICE


Frequently Asked Questions

Are manual grinders better than electric ones?

Naturally, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, there is no doubt about the fact that electric grinders have become more common now and manual grinders in most cases are reduced to nothing but aesthetics.

Is having a grinder really necessary?

It is only through the grinder that a coffee bean can be crushed. Pure coffee beans cannot be brewed to make good coffee and even the instant coffee was crushed using a grinder.

Why not use instant coffee instead?

Instant coffee has been grounded for a long time, which means it has lost both its flavor and aroma. Only a freshly grounded coffee can have them.

What if the lever breaks while grinding coffee?

It is natural for products to mess up accidents to occur. However, the levers are usually durable and manual grinders last for a long time. You may want to buy a warranty.

How can I improve the experience of coffee?

Use the manual grinder to your advantage. Grind the coffee using different settings for several spans of time periods, it will give you a variety of tastes and aromas to choose from.


Final Words

When trying to choose the best manual coffee grinder, look into your personal needs and lifestyle first. After that try to choose one with a reasonable price, one that has good reviews online, and may have a warranty (although you do not need to put much thought to the third one). It would be preferred to buy the one that has a bearing on a lever and uses metal burrs.